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Sunday, March 2, 2003

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Nice day. Not too cold, but a bit windy in the morning.

I had a great day today. I stayed up way too late last night and then slept in very late this morning. Well, maybe, this afternoon? It was nice anyway.

When we did get up we decided to go to Edoichi for lunch. It was good, but really crowded. We both ate a lot! Too much maybe? After that we went to a drug store where I hummed and hawed about getting an electric toothbrush. I decided not to, although I am still thinking about it. Maybe next time?

We were going to drive out to Mikawa to check out the films, but then we decided to go to the International center to check out the art show that they had on. It was, okay. The only purpose was to sell the pictures so I was a bit disappointed. Most of the art was not to my taste. I run to the Pre-Raphaelites and Turner, so the likes of Hiro Yamagata and Christian Lassen don't do much for me. And when we went into the manga section, a saleslady attached herself like a leach to my husband. I don't particularily like manga, and as I said to Fumihiko, I've never seen any of the TV shows that it was based on, so I don't even have an emotional attachment to it.

After escaping from the art show, I took Fumihiko over to the coffee shop where we both had herb tea. I had lemongrass and lemon verbena, and Fumihiko had camomile. I don't mind it, but it smells a lot like haying in the summer in Alberta. At least that's what I told him!

We made a quick stop at home to get his back medicine and then drove out to the mall. The movie wasn't playing for a while, so we drove back into Tsuruoka to get our kerosene, then back out to the mall. We had a quick bite to eat and then played a few games at the amusement center.

We went to see Lord of the Rings, and it was great! I really enjoyed it. I had heard a few things about it, but it really was as good as was said. The only thing was that it was very violent. However, that didn't really bother me that much!

We drove home and then took the bedding off the bed so that I could wash it tomorrow. I'm going to do it at the apartment and then we'll maybe dry it at the laundromat. Sounds like fun? Then, while Fumihiko is off taking his shower, I burned my first cd. Wahoo! I just hope that we can play it in the car. I've been waiting to try it for a while, I would have done it earlier if I had known how easy it is!

And that's it for me! Night night!

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