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March 4, 2003 - Tuesday

March 4, 2003 - Tuesday

Cold and windy, bit of snow.

A non-productive day really. At the apartment I slept a bit too long, and then had to rush! I cooked my lunch and then breakfast. I watched Sabrina from last night too.

I left for work and made it in good time, although I nearly slipped a couple of times. The dog that always barks at me on the way to work was at it again today. I don't know why he barks at me! I don't go near his house or anything.

Work was fine except I had two classes not show up. I'm not sure why one didn't show up, but it didn't. The other student did let me know so I didn't worry. I was busy, but I found out that I wasn't so busy really! The telephone meeting was okay too. It wasn't great, but not bad either.

After work Fumihiko brought me home and fed me sashimi, salad and steak. I think he has a thing for "S"foods! It was good, and it was nice of him to prepare it for me.

After dinner I came upstairs and played computer games while I watched The Actor's Studio with Geena Davis. She is so cool. I'm not sure who is cooler, Geena Davis or Susan Sarandon. I really like them both though. Both are incredibly smart and funny women. Good role models I think.

And that's it. I hope to go to bed soon as I'm rather tired. Night night!

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