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March 5, 2003 - Wednesday

March 5, 2003 - Wednesday

Cold, with a bit of snow again. Windy.

At the apartment this morning I slept and then took a shower and then cooked my breakfast. It was really good.

Work was interesting today. Or not! I only had two classes today! Four classes cancelled or didn't show up. I was very sad actually. I don't like not teaching, especially when I'm all prepared!

After work I called Fumihiko and he picked me up.

We had a nice dinner of nabe, sashimi and chicken. It was great. At dinner I found out that my husband not only has a party he has to go to on my holiday, but he has to work on the Saturday I took off. I am so annoyed. I wouldn't have taken the time off if I had known. However I'm now trying to plan something fun for me to do so I don't waste my holidays.

I just finished watching Providence and it's nearly time for my bed or shower, I haven't decided which yet. Does it matter? No. Not really.

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