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May 26, 2003 - Monday

May 26, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy, and a bit humid.

What a day! This morning I went to the apartment and took out my garbage. When I finished I decided to go on a quest to find Diet Coke. So, I went for a walk, listening to my new toy! It was great. I really enjoyed it. Then, having found the Diet Coke, I came back to the apartment and did some of the exercises that my sister sent me on a tape. Oh my goodness! I thought I'd die! They were so difficult. Still, I did them. I guess I need to keep doing them, right? Then I thought I'd try out the alarm on my iPod, and took a quick nap. Well, that was the original plan anyway. I didn't get the alarm to work properly so I didn't wake up until 12 o'clock. Oops.

When I got up I did laundry and showered, and then went out. I took some magazines to mail to my friend, we do a magazine exchange every few weeks. Then I browsed around some of the shops. I bought some tea and then a Diet Coke. I drank the Diet Coke and ate a diet bar in Marica. Then I went down to the bus stop. I waited for a bus. Finally one appeared and I got on. Luckily the driver asked me where I wanted to go. When I told him Mikawa he told me to wait for the next bus. Sometimes people here are so nice. On the other hand, I'm sure that he didn't want to get to his final destination and have a very very confused gaijin on his bus! The next bus came and I got on it. It took a while, but we finally got there.

I was much to late to see any of the films that I had planned to, so I went and had a hamburger at McDonalds and then browsed around the store. I bought Fumihiko some socks...he always ends up putting his toes through them, and then headed over to the women's department. I checked out the larger sizes and found some things that I thought just might fit. I asked if I could try them on, and tried on lots of stuff. A pair of jeans was still too small, and a really nice skirt was also too tight, but I ended up getting a black cotton shirt and two Indian skirts. You know the kind, long and flowing, but really pretty and nice for summer. I was so happy! For good measure I walked around to the men's department but didn't find anything that I liked enough to try on. Jusco's larger size mens clothes all seem to bear the Konishiki brand name. While I like Konishiki, I don't particularily want to wear the clothes of a rather large former sumo wrestler. If they didn't have his name or logo on them, I might do it, but come on. It's bad enough admitting that I'm so unpetite that I can't always buy women's clothes, but to wear the clothes of a sumo wrestler? Not for me!

Fumihiko called me while I was browsing and said he'd be late. So, I went down to the coffee shop and had a coffee. It was perhaps the worst cup of coffee in history! I had to add two packets of artificial sweetener and five creamers to it before I could drink it! I drank it while I read my great novel, A Traitor to Memory. It's by Elizabeth George, no relation! It's darn good and I'm really enjoying it. I had decided to go and spend some money in the arcade when I noticed that Fumihiko was coming into the coffee shop. He'd finished work earlier than he expected. Yay!

We decided to go and see a movie so we ate dinner. We went to Kamerotei for yakiniku. We had just started cooking our meat when the earth started to move. Literally. I noticed it first, then it got stronger and Fumihiko noticed it too. I don't know how long it lasted, but I think a couple of minutes. The lights in the room were swinging madly and people were going outside. We tried to too, but the doors were locked! By the time the waitress unlocked them, the earthquake was mostly over. I don't know exactly, but I heard it was about a 3 where we were, and on the other side of the country it was a 6. It was quite nasty and some people were hurt. The worst thing for me is the feeling that nowhere is safe. I get quite seasick when I experience a big quake like that. Still, where we were was okay, so we finished our meal.

We went to see Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. It was kind of sweet and kind of silly. An enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours. After that I bought groceries for the apartment and then delivered them there. Then we came home and I watched ER and modeled my new clothes for my husband. He seemed to like them!

And that was my day off. It was good, except for the quake. I hope we don't get any aftershocks tonight.

Night night.

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