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May 29, 2003 - Thursday

May 29, 2003 - Thursday

Hot and sunny today.

A pretty good day today, but it started strangely. At the apartment I got a note in Japanese about something today. That's scary for me because I can't always understand it. So, I looked at it and I discovered that I could read a few things. I guessed that the power was going to be switched off in the building and that I should be careful for things like computers and word processors. I didn't go for a walk and waited in the apartment to see what would happen. Well, when the power did go off, it was off for about 1 second! It didn't reset my VCR, but it did affect my heater clock. Still, that's not such a bad thing is it?

Work was fine today. I was quite busy with 6 classes and a teachers meeting. Still, everything went well. In my last class today I even had 4 whole students. We had a lively class too, all about speculating. They seemed to enjoy it very much.

After work I did paperwork and my husband called me in the middle of my talking to the manager. He was still at work, the poor thing. I finished up and called him. By that time he was on his way into Tsuruoka. I left the office and met him at the apartment. I was really lucky and got accross the double set of lights without waiting. That never happens on the way home!

We went out for dinner tonight to one of our favourite places. It was good, but we had a bad thing happen. We ordered a big salad, but we noticed after we had eaten half of it, that there were a few bugs in it. We told the waitress and she offered us another salad, but we didn't feel like it. So, she comped the one we had and even gave us some coupons for our next visit.

We came home and now I'm watching a Whoopi Goldberg movie and using my computer. That's about it for me tonight. See ya!

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