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May 30, 2003 - Friday

May 30, 2003 - Friday

Hot and sunny day.

I'm a bit under the weather as I write this so I'm going to make it short. This morning I went for a short power walk and then did 20 minutes of pilates. What a workout! I can feel the difference though. I've only done them 3 times, but certain parts of my anatomy are feeling tighter than others.

Work was okay, except I had a sore throat when I got there and then it turned into a painful to swallow throat by the end of the day. I told my students that they had to do most of the talking, but they didn't want to!

I came home and Fumihiko made me a lovely dinner. I felt bad for him because I couldn't really do it justice. I'm probaby going to go to bed soon, but I really want to finish my novel. I'm in the last few pages of A Traitor to Memory, the Elizabeth George novel that I'm reading and it's so good! I gotta find out whodunnit!

I'm not sure about work tomorrow. I'm hoping that I'll be okay, but I'm going to wait and see. My present temperature is 37o and I have a headache and an achy body. Poor me! Oh well, wish me luck! Night night.

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