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May 31, 2003 - Saturday

May 31, 2003 - Saturday

A rainy day.

I woke up this morning with a horribly sore throat. It was torture just to swallow. I didn't sleep very well either. I was up every couple of hours. Not sure why. I wasn't sure if I should go to work, but I did. I took some medicine and it really helped me feel better all day. Fumihiko made me some coffee and the hot drink seemed to ease my throat a bit too. Yay!

Before work, Fumihiko took me to Yoshinoya for breakfast. It was good. Then, he dropped me off at my office before he went off to his.

I was a little busy today. I had six classes and they all showed up. Only one person was missing and he even told me that he wouldn't come today, so I wasn't expecting him. My last class was especially good. It was the birthday of one of the students and also his last class with me before he changes class type. The manager and I bought cake for the students and I let them eat it in class. They enjoyed it! After class he invited all of his classmates and me to go out for a drink.

I invited Fumihiko, but he wasn't up to it, so I went by myself. It was fun! We talked in a strange mix of Japanese and English and ate some good food. It was nice. I asked Fumihiko to pick me up after 10:30 so he came and got me.

We came home and he made me some lovely coffee. Yum. So, my day began with coffee and ended that way too. Nice!

Night night.

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