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November 5, 2003 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm, nice day.

Ah, luxury! This morning I slept in until 10 am. Unfortunately I didn't do any walking, but it was fine. I ate breakfast and then went to the post office. I had to mail my sister's birthday present and then I mailed a couple of magazines to my friend in Japan.

Work was a bit slow today. I had one cancellation, but generally classes went quite well.

After work tonight, I biked to the apartment and got there before my husband! I had to bring a few things home, so when I came down the stairs he was really surprised to see me. Usually I arrive a couple of seconds after him. We went out to dinner to Cocos, which was fine! We had a big ol' gab session there.

I'm trying to find out what to get him for his birthday. I want to get him something he'll like and or use, but I can't think of anything. Any suggestions??

We came home and I spent a while playing with iTunes on my computer. I made a cd for one of my classes tomorrow. We're supposed to play different genres of music for our students. Well, until now, I hadn't done the prep for that. Now I have a cd that I can use for all of my classes in the future. Wa hoo!

And that was my day! I'm back in front of my computer and getting ready to go to bed soon. Night night!

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