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Thursday, November 6, 2003

Rainy and a bit cold today.

I had a mostly good day today. This morning I went to the apartment and took out two bags of garbage. Yay me! Then, as it was raining quite hard I decided to do some pilates instead of going for a walk. I did a new tape, an all over workout which was really really difficult! I did a lot of modifications, but at the end I could feel a difference in my body! I guess I can't do it every day, but for those days when I can't walk, it might be good for me.

When I finished I took a long nap and then woke up late. Sigh. I rushed around getting ready for work, and managed to finish in time. I left for work in the rain.

At work I got ready for my classes and then read a bit of the newspaper. Classes were okay today, but I had two not show up. It was very sad.

After work I finished quickly and called my husband to meet me. He picked me up at the apartment and we went to dinner. We went to Dan. It was really nice. Tonight we had kimchee nabe and eggplant and lemon chicken salad. Everything was great and it was nice to not overeat for a change! We often do that there.

We came home and I made our beds. Poor Fumihiko is a little tired tonight, so I didn't want him to think he had to do that too. I let him play a game of mah jong on my computer and now he's bathing.

I'll be off to bed soon too I think. I had a later than I wanted night last night, so now I'm tired too. Good night!

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