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November 28, 2003 - Friday

Not so cold, but nice and sunny all day. Beautiful clear sky at night.

A pretty good day. I went for my walk this morning and ended up walking all the way to Hachimonjiya and back. It was nice. I was quite cold at first, but when I warmed up it was good! Very bracing!

After my nap I didn't have enough time to cook breakfast and do laundry so I made tuna salad for breakfast! It was good, don't scoff! I liked it very much.

Work was okay today except one of my private students cancelled his lesson today because he was sick and another student went home during his class because he became ill. Poor thing.

Aya started decorating the bulletin board today and it looks really good. I had a little chuckle at her earlier. She'd asked me to write out the message for the bulletin board so she wouldn't make any grammar mistakes. Well, I wrote it out correctly, but she spelt it wrong on her practice piece of paper. I corrected it, but when she went to put it up on the board, she did it again! What did she misspell? Message. She kept writing about a "massage for Santa!" Now, Santa might be happy about the whole idea, but maybe no-one else would be!

During some of my free time today I got a call from my boss. She asked me to go to another school in January for 3 days to help a new teacher adapt to teaching in Japan. I think I'm going to do it. It might be difficult, but hopefully it will be fun too.

After work, I went to the apartment to pick up my stamps and laundry. Well, I got the stamps, but I left my laundry. Oops! That was silly. Then, my darling took me out for dinner and halfway through our meal asked if I could help pay for dinner. Double oops! He didn't have enough money. I ended up paying for all of it, but I didn't mind at all actually!

When we came home I discovered that my Cosmo has arrived. Yay! That means that tomorrow I'll have something to read during my lunch hour. Hurray.

Anyway, that was my day. I had a good one actually. I hope tomorrow is good too. I'll be quite busy at work, unless something happens. Still, I prefer that quite a bit to not having anything happening!

Night night!

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