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November 29, 2003 - Saturday

Rainy but warm all day.

This morning we had breakfast at Gusto, then I went to work. I had a busy day, but not as busy as one of my co-workers. She had 8 classes so my paltry little 6 doesn't seem that impressive! However, classes did go fairly well and I enjoyed them, so all's well that ends well!

After work, we decorated the school a bit and then finally, went for dinner. The manager and Aya joined us and suggested that we go to Uotami. It was okay! Fumihiko and I ate a lot of food, I was really hungry because by the time we ate it had been too long for me. Most of the food was really good too.

When we got home it was around 2. And now, I'm writing this, but I'm really really tired so I plan to go to bed and sleep in a second! Night night.

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