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October 20, 2003 - Monday

Sunny but cool all day. Generally nice and clear.

A different sort of day. I was woken up by my hubby in the middle of the night. He was having back pain. I went back to sleep soon after, but I don't know if he did. In the morning he did get up for work, and I went off to the apartment.

I walked for a bit and did two loads of laundry. Then I went out and caught a bus to Mikawa. When I was there I went to see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I'd heard such terrible things about it, that I was expecting some awful movie. Well, it wasn't that great, but by the same token, it wasn't that bad! A little dumb, but not so terrible. My favourite line was near the beginning...the League goes aboard the Nautilus and the first mate says,"Call me Ismael." I laughed rather loudly at that. I guess you had to have read Moby Dick to get that one! I was the only person in the theater laughing.

After the movie I tried to phone my husband and then I went to get some food. I went to McDonalds and had a couple of hamburgers. When I was waiting for the food Fumihiko called me back. He'd taken the day off work and wanted to meet me in the mall. I waited for him, drinking coffee and oolong tea before he arrived. I didn't mind actually as I was really enjoying reading my latest Sue Grafton novel, Q is for Quarry. It's really exciting!

When Fumihiko arrived he got a bit of food and then we explored the mall! We went to check out the movies and found out that the one I wanted to see was playing at 6:10. We were a bit hungry so we went out to Sakata and had dinner at M's Dining. Well, it was lunch for me actually! It was nice.

We came back to Mikawa just in time to see the movie Matchstick Men. It was great actually. I really enjoyed it. Nicolas Cage was really good. Well worth seeing, that movie.

After the movie we bought a few groceries and then delivered them to my apartment. We decided that we were a bit peckish so we drove to Jiro, the restaurant near my old apartment for a late dinner. It was really nice. We had pork saute...well, I did. Fumihiko had chicken saute. Yum. Then, we came home. I watched the end of ER. And that was that! My day! I've just spent the last 20 or so minutes trying to download stuff from the internet. I think that it's working. I hope so anyway! Or, maybe not! I just lost everything....or did I? Nope, it's all back. Thank goodness!

Night night!

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