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Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Sunny and clear day. Beautiful day.

This morning I dragged myself out of bed and off to the apartment. At the apartment I fell asleep for a few minutes then again dragged myself out for a walk. I went, promising myself that if I walked for 10 minutes and wanted to stop I could. I ended up walking for about 25. It wasn't a great walk, although I'm glad that I went. When I came back to the apartment I just crashed and went to sleep again!

Work was fine, although my last class didn't come. She did call to tell me that she couldn't come. I was a bit busy today until then.

After work we went to Kamerotei and had a great meal. Then we went and bought gas for the car and came home. Now I'm watching last week's Alias...because tomorrow it's on again! I really like it!

And, that's pretty much it for my day. I hope tomorrow is okay too. Night night!

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