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Sunday, October 26, 2003

Nice and sunny day, but a bit cool.

Well, today was great! This morning I woke up around 11 to an empty room. Fumihiko had made coffee but he'd gone downstairs! I got dressed and went down too. There was a half made nabe on the kitchen table, so I guessed that he'd gone off to buy more ingredients for it. While he was gone I started making my contribution. I made nama ham roll-ups. It's raw (but cured) ham with cream cheese in the middle. Very low carb and delicious! I made a plateful for the party and then made a bunch for us to eat for a kind of breakfast!

I was the first staff member to arrive at the school and then I started to set things up. Fumihiko realized that he'd forgotten to bring the stove to cook the nabe with, so he went home to pick it up. Aya showed up soon after and we got things ready. Then students came and the school started to get really crowded really fast.

It was a fun party. There were lots of people and lots of food and many, many kids! We all had fun I think. I did some fortune telling in the last part of the party, but I don't know how good I was! When people started to leave we cleaned up and packed everything away.

Then, seven of us went to karaoke. We stayed for something like 3 and a half hours! It was fun. Chris, the new Sakata teacher came and everyone sang a bunch of songs. I did lots and lots. Chris tried Bohemian Rhapsody, which is incredibly hard, but it was hilarious. A lot of us joined in to help him. I did Pretty Fly and got some back up singers for a change. That made it sound much better too!

When that party broke up, Fumihiko and I tried to go to Edoichi for dinner, but then as it was crowded, ended up driving to Amarume to go to Handa. It was nice tonight, except I couldn't eat that much! We had steak which was really great! But, too small.

We finished our meal and then went to the mall. We didn't do too much, except I got more vitamins and allergy medicine and then had coffee and tea in Seattle's Best Coffee. It was nice. At night the place isn't too crowded, thank goodness.

We came home and talked about books for a while. I suggested to Fumihiko that he try to get Sophie's World or The Solitaire Mystery in Japanese to read. They're both by Jostein Gaarder, a Norwegian author. I loved them when I read them, so I thought he might enjoy them too. We couldn't find them in the bookstore, but we didn't really look that hard either.

And that pretty much was my day. It was really nice and I wish I had more days off like this one! Night night!

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