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Friday, September 19, 2003

Warm but rainy.

Call me Itchy! Seriously. On Monday while we were fishing I was bitten by many bugs and for the last two or three days I've been going crazy from the pain. Today, Fumihiko gave me some of the cream that he got for his caterpillar incident, but it hasn't helped all that much. My poor feet and lower legs are a mess of bumps and scratches. Poor me!

Today was pretty good. I didn't do any of my beading, but I did a load of laundry, napped and then did the other load. I thought I did quite well actually! I even made lunch and breakfast.

Classes were fine. I had five today. Quite a few people didn't come, but most of them called or told me that they couldn't come so it wasn't too bad.

After work, I was invited out by my co-workers, but Fumihiko had already prepared our supper, so we didn't go. What did he make? Nabe. Yum. The first one of the season.

Anyway, he's sleeping away and I should get as much sleep as I can. I'll be very busy classes if everyone comes. Yikes! So, that's it for me!

Guten nacht!

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