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September 29, 2003 - Monday

Sunny and rainy, at the same time!

A nice day. In the morning we slept in and then had coffee before we went out. We went out for lunch to Edoichi. I think it was a mistake, although I don't seem to have gotten sick yet. I hope I don't.

Then we took some films in to be developed and I bought a few groceries. I headed back to my apartment and did three loads of laundry! I had so much to do. I watched a bit of tv all the while.

After I finished my laundry we went to the mall. I decided to skip having my new jeans and pants shortened this week as my legs are still in terrible shape and I don't really want to show them off to anyone. Sigh.

We wanted to see S.W.A.T. but we had an hour to kill before it started so we went and played coin games. It was fun, but dumb! The movie on the other hand was quite good. I enjoyed it. I hadn't heard too much about it, but it had good action and was quite believeable. The only problem that I had with it was that a female officer drove home after drinking. I think that was a bit irresponsible.

After the movie we noticed that a restaurant in the mall that we never go to was having shabu-shabu, so we went! We ate a lot, but it was very good. We ended up leaving the mall at 10 pm. Yikes.

We came home and I watched the end of an old ER and then worked on my pictures from the trip. I haven't prepared a page for viewing yet, I hope that I can soon. If I get time.

Anyway, I have to go. I'm really tired and work will be long and difficult tomorrow. Sigh. Night all!

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