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September 30, 2003 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm.

I woke up before Fumihiko this morning, which was quite unusual as I'd also gone to bed after him last night! I got ready for work and I also checked my email, which I never do in the morning. I woke him up in a sneaky way, I turned on the TV. It wasn't in English, but it woke him up anyway! He drove me to my apartment and there I showered and cooked lunch and breakfast. I even made him breakfast! Wasn't that nice of me?

I was quite busy at work today. I had my usual six classes and everyone came. Hurray for me! I also had to stay late and do lots of paperwork. Again, hurray for me! Not really.

Fumihiko picked me up at 10 ish, although it was more ish than 10 when he got me. However,that was my fault as I kept saying,"Just one more minute!" Sigh. We went to M's Dining and had a nice dinner there.

We came home after dinner and I turned on my computer and checked my email. There were many email messages from a women's group that I belong to. It took ages to read them all, but I managed! After I finished I found my moisturizer and doused my face with some. My skin feels a little dry since I came back from Australia. I think I got too much sun.

And basically folks, that was my day. It was pretty good. I still feel quite relaxed. I'm not sure if I still will by the end of tomorrow, but I hope so! Nightie-night!

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