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April 14, 2004 - Wednesday

Cloudy day, but it didn't rain.

A pretty good day. In the morning I did some pilates, but I quit early. I was really tired and so I took a nap. Sigh.

I wasn't busy at work today either. I prepped for today's lessons and I had a staff meeting, and that was about it for the day.

After work Fumihiko and I went to see the cherry blossoms in Tsuruoka Park. It was very late, so none of the stalls were open, and we couldn't see a lot of the trees for the stalls. We did walk around a bit and saw some of the trees with more lights in or near them. The trees look wonderful. It was a bit chilly for walking around tonight.

When we left the park we went to Gusto for dinner. I was hungry so I had a steak, salad and soup. And drink bar. Yum. Then we came home.

I started to watch a bit of Twin Falls, Idaho but I gave up on it after a while. I do want to see it again someday. A weird kind of movie.

And that was my day. It was rather nice actually.

Good night!

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