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April 15, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm, nice day.

This morning I went for a long walk. It was really nice, especially since I found a vending machine that has sugar free coffee with milk in it. Hurray! No, that was really just the bonus on top, I had a great walk. I could have gone on for longer too.

When I got back to the apartment I didn't take a nap for a change, I actually worked on my jigsaw puzzle. I found a few pieces, but I still have some of the hardest part to do. What's left is basically dark. It's all black. Yikes, that's hard to do.

I left for work a bit early today and walked. That was nice. It was a warm sunny day and I really enjoyed the walk.

Work was okay today. I did an interview, and I taught four lessons. It was supposed to be five, but....The manager was back in our school today which was a nice thing.

After work I called a student and gave her the work that she'll miss tomorrow and then I left. I walked to the grocery store. Fumihiko called me while I was on my way there and I asked him to meet me there. He did, which was nice. I needed to get more groceries for tomorrow and Saturday.

After the groceries we went to Cocos for dinner. Then we came home and I watched last night's episode of Charmed and started work on my computer. I'm just about finished now though.

Gotta go! Night night.

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