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April 19, 2004 - Monday

Cloudy and rainy all day.

I had an interesting day off today. It was quite good, but in a different way. Started badly though.

Fumihiko went downstairs to get a clean uniform for work and the next thing I heard was a lot of shouting between him and his mum. He wouldn't really tell me what it's about, but I know that I had something to do with it. We left, a bit late because of all of the fuss.

Fumihiko drove me to my apartment and I did my usual laundry. Then, I did something not usual. I packed up a box of stuff to take to the new apartment and then I got out my stamps. I read that it's a good idea for stampers to make a book with all of their stamps to take with them when they go shopping. It also helps me remember what I've got. I put some of the stamps into rough categories...."writing", " Christmas snowmen", "Christmas decorations" that kind of thing. I got a lot of stamps done, but I have a ton more to do! I don't know how big my book will be if/when I get it done.

I realized that I was running late and that I should leave immediately if I wanted to get to the apartment on time. I did, and made good time. Good enough that I could stop in the convenience store on the way. When I was parking my bike, I realized that the woman walking by with her young son was the mother of one of my students. Interesting. We're going to be neighbours. We chatted and I went into my apartment.

The phone guy came just after I arrived. He didn't speak any English and I didn't speak much Japanese, but things worked out okay. We are now the proud owners of a working phone line. After that, I did some unpacking and cleaning. I put liners in most of the drawers and set up the cupboards. Then, I went out.

It was still raining but I wasn't going that far. I went first to Kaneta. It's a kind of family store that's not that far away from my new place. I guess, in Canadian terms, it's a bit like SAAN. It has a lot of clothes, not too expensive, but every now and then you can find something that is really nice. Today I got a kitchen mat some towels and a dress for my niece. That one is really cute and I'm hoping that it'll fit her well. I went to the grocery store next and picked up some stuff for the apartment. Fake sugar for Fumihiko, creamer, coffee, that kind of thing. I also got a few things for me to eat.

When I got back I ate, then read for a while. Fumihiko joined me about an hour later and then we went out for dinner. Tonight it was Gyu-oh, the yakiniku restaurant. We had a nice meal and then did some running around. We went looking at tables and sofas (yes, again!) at Athene. They had some nice ones, and we're thinking about them. We ended up at S-mall, had coffee, visited the 100 yen shop, and then I went to the grocery shop.

I took my groceries to my old apartment, put them away and then grabbed my box of stuff and my clean laundry. That was fun. We took them to our new apartment and did a few little things there. I decorated the Genkan...or entrance. I didn't do a lot, but it looks cool.

On the way to our house, Fumihiko said he was hungry so we stopped at a convenience store and picked up some food. Then, we came home. Thankfully his mother was already in bed, so we didn't have to see her.

I'll likely go to bed soon, it's been a long day and I'm a bit tired. Night night.

Oh, wait! PS and all that I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was so great. I loved it. I can't believe that I have to wait until J.K. Rowling finishes the next one. A great read.

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