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August 19, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm, rain late at night.

In the morning I got up and got ready for work. Nothing unusual there. I rode to work and it was nice today, sunny and the road was fairly clear.

Work was fine, nothing too exciting happened. My last class didn't show up so I was able to get out of the office quickly tonight.

I got back to the apartment around 9:30 and a few minutes later Fumihiko showed up. I had locked the door and put the deadbolt over so he couldn't get in. I didn't open the door and he left. I tried to run after him, but he'd already driven away. I called his cell phone a few times but he didn't answer me.

I know not answering the door was a bit childish, but I thought he call first, I didn't think he'd try to barge into the apartment.

The rest of the evening I spent putting my clothes away. I bought those lovely shelves on Monday, I finally wanted to put my clothes in them.

I don't know what's going to happen now.

That's all you get for tonight. Night.

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