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August 20, 2004 - Friday

Typhoon in the night, windy with a bit of rain all day.

The good news is that things are back to normal. Fumihiko called me tonight and we made up.

Last night was awful. We were hit by a typhoon. Luckily, our apartment was okay, but just outside a tree was blown over in the storm. A big one. Considering it was between two buildings, we were all lucky it didn't blow this way. The power went out at least once, I woke up when the fax reset itself. I woke up a couple more times, it was really noisy.

I had a very quiet day at work today. However, I was quite busy. I did planning, prepping and some counselling sheets for my students.

After work I came home and called Fumihiko. He called me back. He was still working, his place of work had been hard hit by the typhoon too. He came to see me and we just hugged each other.

And that, gentle reader is all you get to hear for today. Night night. Oh, no update tomorrow, I have a drinking party to go to. Adieu!

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