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August 22, 2004 - Sunday

Warm and sunny, nice day.

We came back from the party at 4:30 this morning and went to bed almost immediately. The phone rang at 9:00 am this morning from the furniture company telling us that they were going to show up between 2 and 4. We went back to sleep. We finally got up after 12 and went for a late breakfast. When we came back, the furniture van was waiting for us.

They brought the couch in over the balcony! It was quite funny to watch. It also takes up about half of our living room. I'm not sure about the placement of it yet, I'm thinking we should move it around a bit, but I'll wait and see.

We took a nap after that, then got up and went for dinner. After dinner we went off to Mikawa Mall to see a movie. We ended up at Fahrenheit 911. It was really good. I don't know if I can say I enjoyed it, but I certainly did learn a lot. How biased is it? I'm not sure, but if everything Michael Moore says is true, it's a pretty damning statement. Thank goodness I'm Canadian!

We came home via the grocery store. Since then, Fumihiko is enjoying our couch and watching the news and the Olympics. Today was great! I needed that!

Yesterday was good too. Our party after work was great. We ended up going to karaoke for 3 hours. I sang a bunch of stuff, and enjoyed myself a lot. Chris from Sakata, one of my students and I did most of the singing. It was fun, but my throat was so hoarse afterwards!

And that's what's new with me. I hope tomorrow is as good.

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