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August 23, 2004 - Monday

Rainy and cloudy. Cool day.

A good day. We slept in very late. Make that very very late! When we got up we went out for brunch to M's Dining, then we went to Mikawa Mall.

At the mall we went to the travel agent and "booked" our holiday for next month. We haven't paid for it yet, and we might not if I can't get the time off work. However, I think I can so it'll probably be okay.

We had to buy a new shirt for Fumihiko because he ran some things out to the car in the rain and got soaking wet! I bought myself one too! I haven't tried it on yet. Fumihiko's looks nice though.

We spent some time at the amusement center and then went to see King Arthur. Well, I liked the actors, but why does Hollywood think it's okay to dick around with classic legends? They really messed it up. There were some cool things in the movie, Guinevere as a Woad, and the battle on ice, but overall it wasn't a great film. Bit sad that.

Came back to Tsuruoka after that and went to Jiro for supper. It was great. I had pork saute with Garlic oil and Fumihiko had a hamburger steak thing. They were great. When we came back home I made some chai and finally finished one of the books I've been reading for a while, The Da Vinci Code. It was good while I was reading it, but pretty forgettable I think.

And that was my day. Pretty good actually. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Sigh! Gotta go, night!

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