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August 24, 2004 - Tuesday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

A busy day. I got up in the morning and discovered that my lovely husband had left me a mess in the kitchen. I cleaned up some of it, but not all of it. He left a loaf of bread and a piece of uneaten bread on the table. Hmm. I don't eat bread, what the heck was I supposed to do with it? And in other bad news, my chicken hadn't thawed out yet, so I couldn't cook it for my lunch.

I left for work at a great time this morning. It had just finished raining and I didn't get wet! I guess that makes up for some of the times when I did get wet.

I was quite busy at work today, I had 6 classes! Amazing. I'm not sure when the last time I had that many was. I think they all went quite well. For lunch, I went out and read one of my magazines. I had steak in Jusco and it was awful! It was really tough. Yuck. Back to work after that. In my last class, a student came that I talked to on the weekend. She came and we had a great time.

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me up and took me to a gas station. He needed gas for the car. Then I suggested that we pick something up for dinner and cook it ourselves. He thought that was a good idea, so that's what we did.

We went to the grocery store and got some veggies, pork, and tofu. Then we came home and cooked. Fumihiko was great, he chopped the onion for me and a bunch of the other veggies. I stir fryed everything, using my stir fry pan. I haven't used it in years, but it was fine. After I finished the pork and veggies Fumihiko fried the tofu. I'd used a bit of worchester sauce on the pork and the tofu picked that up. It was nice. We sat on our lovely couch, and ate our gorgeous meal. It was so good. It was really good and it wasn't that difficult or expensive. Certainly less than we usually pay to go out.

We finished and now we're trying to find something on the TV that we want to watch. It's pretty difficult. It was supposed to be diving, but I don't seem to get that channel. Sigh.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Today was good, let's hope that tomorrow will be too!

Night night!

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