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August 28, 2004 - Saturday

Sunny, warm and windy.

An okay day. I was busy this morning at the apartment, then left for work a few minutes before I did yesterday. It was really windy so it was a good thing, as I was going into the wind.

Work was fine. My new private student was very nice and we worked on her speech. I think it went well. She seemed happy and so did her mother. My last class didn't show up which was a bit sad, but I was a little glad too!

After work I called Fumihiko to come and get me. He told me that he didn't have to work tomorrow. Forgive me for feeling mean, but I had been looking forward to a day off to myself for weeks and I had plans. I maybe wouldn't have done all of them, but I wanted to try. Sigh. I wanted to do laundry, veg, read my novel, maybe take a bath, get my hair cut. Now, I can't. I sort of suggested that he go fishing or something so that I can get some quality me time, but I don't know if he will.

We went out for yakiniku tonight. His first choice was M's Dining. I'm getting tired of going there, so I said no! Then he said Cocos. I think he just wanted to have the drink bar. I didn't. There's only one dish that I can order at Cocos, and I didn't feel like it.

Anyway that's my day. It was okay, but I hope I get to do some of my stuff tomorrow. I really need to be alone for a while. I give so much of myself to my students that I need a break to be me for a while.

Night night.

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