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August 29, 2004 - Sunday

Warm but a bit cloudy.

A day that was better than I expected, but not "great". This morning I slept in, then got up around 11 I think. Fumihiko was up already and he'd made himself some toast so I didn't need to worry about his breakfast. Yay. I did laundry and took a shower and in the mean time Fumihiko and I did some cleaning. He used the vacuum cleaner, I swept and made the bed.

We went for lunch to Moku Moku. It was quite nice, all the nicer since we haven't been there in a while. I had a bacon-egg burger. It was nice. After lunch we went to see if I could get my hair cut. I could, but not for an hour. So we hacked around the hundred yen shop for a while, then went to Jusco. We separated there, I went downstairs to ladies clothing, he went upstairs to the housewares department. I wanted to look at a jacket, so I grabbed a few other things to try on. I tried on a shirt which was nice, but not nice enough to buy, some shorts and the jacket. The jacket was just too tight. It was a fitted style, so it made me looked like a stuffed sausage. If they'd had a bigger size it might have been okay, but I couldn't buy it. However, I did find one pair of shorts that fit and looked okay. They are black walking shorts. I bought them because I thought I might need them on Guam. Then, I went to get my hair cut.

As always, I enjoyed myself. My hairdresser is a bit of a perfectionist and keeps cutting and adjusting way past the point where I think I'm done. However, my hair always looks great after I visit her, so I'll let her do what she does!

We came back to the apartment and watched some TV or read, and then we went for dinner. We ended up going to Handa in Amarume. It's a steak restaurant. The food is very good, but my chief complaint is there isn't enough of it! When I'm doing Atkins, I just can't eat rice, or corn soup or the potato side dish, or dessert, so I tend to be a bit hungry after my meal!

After we tried to go to the Amarume grocery store to pick up some frozen fruit and veggies, but they didn't have any! I was shocked. So, Fumihiko brought me to the Max Valu in Tsuruoka. On the way there he stopped for gas. He was so low that the indicator light had gone off! Yikes. To fill the tank cost about 5300 yen. Double yikes!

The Tsuruoka Max Valu had a lot of frozen berries, so I bought a lot. I got blueberries, strawberries and RASPBERRIES. I haven't seen them in years, and never over here. I got some frozen veggies too. I'm going to try my crockpot again, and using frozen veggies is much easier than fresh ones.

Fumihiko dropped me off at our apartment and he drove off to his house. He was going to pick up some stuff. He brought me back some pop and my suitcase. I'll be travelling a lot in September so I'll need it.

We spent a peaceful evening, drinking coffee, watching the Olympic marathon and relaxing. It was an okay day, but honestly, I'd have prefered some "me" time. Fumihiko's schedule is so changeable that I can't get into a routine here at the apartment and frankly, I really need it. I'm so stressed out all of the time and I'd just love to have a day/week off. By myself. Alone. Maybe on a desert island.

So that was my day. I hope tomorrow will be better. I need it! Night.

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