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February 15, 2004, Sunday

Windy but sunny in Sendai, windy and rainy in Tsuruoka.

A nice couple of days. After work on Saturday we drove to Yamagata. It was a little scary because the weather was terrible. There was lightning, thunder and blowing snow most of the way there. However, we did make it safely. We got to the hotel and checked in.

I think we had the same room before, but it was okay this time. We watched a bit of TV, I was amazed to see that Road to Avonlea was on...yay CBC! I watched part of one episode, but then surrendered the TV to Fumihiko. He started to watch some kind of wrestling show so I just went to bed! That was my romantic Valentine's night. Actually though, it was nice.

This morning we had brunch at Bikkuri Donkey and then drove to Sendai. In Sendai we went shopping and I spent a lot of money! Still, it was fun. I got enough magazines to last me for a couple of weeks and some new books and school supplies too.

When we were leaving Sendai, we had dinner at a yakiniku restaurant. It was really nice.

Fumihiko drove us back to Tsuruoka, but it was quite nasty. I told him that if it was in a movie, it would be a cool effect, but since it was real, it was darn scary, referring to the blowing snow. It was coming at us in sheets. It was a bit like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when they open the Ark. At first there's a white cloudy-lighty thing that floats around, then it turns into a sort of death wave. Luckily, the snow didn't do that, but it did get hairy a few times.

We made it back safely however and came home. Fumihiko watched Silence of the Lambs on DVD while I wrote some email, and watched too. It was scary as always, although for some reason, Fumihiko doesn't think it is. Hmm!

Now I'm a bit tired and I should go to bed soon. I hope to catch you again tomorrow! Night night!

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