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February 16, 2004, Monday

Rainy, but clearing and warm.

A pretty nice day. Today I went to the apartment and fell asleep for 4 hours! I needed that. It felt great.

When I woke up I watched The West Wing, did laundry, cooked my lunch, did some mending and even watched my new pilates video. I didn't do it you understand, I just watched it!

Around 4 pm I went out to buy my groceries for the week. I rode my bike, so it didn't take that long.

Fumihiko came to the apartment and I gave him some coffee, then he took me out for dinner to Paris Cinq. It was really nice and we had some great food.

After we went to S-mall because I wanted to buy a new wallet. I found one and when I looked for my old wallet, I couldn't find it! I'd left it in my backpack when I went to buy groceries. I had to ask Fumihiko to lend me the money to buy it! Since we were in the mall anyway, we asked the jewellry shop to make my watch strap smaller, and to resize my wedding rings. They measured my finger and my rings will be made 5 sizes smaller! Who knew? I remember when we bought them they were kind of shocked that my fingers were so big. I'll get them later this week.

We came home and I watched an episode of Alias and then ER. Now, Fumihiko is watching Mononoke in English. It's really good.

And that was my day. It was very nice and relaxing. Tomorrow, back to work. Sigh. Oh well. Wish me luck! Night night!

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