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February 13, 2004, Friday

Clear and fairly warm.

Well, I'm sorry about the lack of an entry last night. I spent the night at my apartment, I had had an argument with a certain husband of mine and I was too angry to go home. It's all blown over now though.

Today I wasn't busy at work, but I finally put up my new Classroom English signs. I think they look good, if a little crooked. It was really hard putting them up by myself as the paper was heavy and awkward. Still, I'm glad I got it done.

Classes went quite well today and I even had a student come back after a few weeks of being absent. It was nice to see him.

After work, my hubby came and got me and we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was quite nice. Then I gave him one of his Valentine's Day presents...I bought him a new set of garbage bags for the car! Not a very expensive present actually, it came from the hundred yen shop!

We came home and Fumihiko played part of the Harry Potter DVD while I checked my email and made a cd for our trip tomorrow. I hope it's good. It might be....!

Speaking of which....there won't be any updates tomorrow night as we're off for a romantic night...I hope! So, don't miss me, there's nothing wrong. Take care!

Bye bye!

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