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February 17, 2004, Tuesday

Windy and cool. Later on rainy and very windy.

An okay day. I went to my apartment and slept for a while, then got up and did my morning stuff.

Work today was fine. I was the only person in the office today, so it was a bit sad at times. Still mostly it was fine. A few students didn't show up, but most did. Hurray.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. Tonight it wasn't that good, sad to say. My steak didn't taste like steak, and our caesar salad was pretty small. I was a bit disappointed.

We came home and Fumihiko played the rest of Princess Mononoke. It was really good. I was trying to type but I spent more time watching the movie!

Anyway, that's all that I have to say for today. I hope that today was good for you too! Night night!

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