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February 18, 2004, Wednesday

Clear and sunny, a bit cold.

A bit different day today. I went to the apartment as usual, and did all the usual stuff, but I left a bit too late for work. I was going to walk when I realized that there was no way I could make it on time if I walked. So, I ran back to my apartment, grabbed my bike key, and rode my bike to work. It was much quicker! I biked as if I was racing Lance Armstrong!

I got to work on time, thank goodness, and discovered that my student at 12 had cancelled because of a cold. Sigh. I felt sorry for her of course.

The rest of the day was quite slow. I did some paperwork and stuff, nothing too exciting.

After work I biked back to the apartment where Fumihiko was waiting for me. He drove me home and fed me some nabe that he made. It was pretty good actually.

And that's my day. Nothing too special. I'm a bit tired so I hope to go to bed soon. I'm a bit sad too. I really miss my rings! I should be able to get them back on the 20th. Soon I hope! It's weird not wearing them. Gotta go! Night!

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