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February 29, 2004, Sunday

Windy, rainy and then clear at night.

I woke up this morning all stuffed up. During the day, I progressed to a full blown cold. I'm now dose is ruddin' and I feel a bit headache-y and very under the weather. I've taken some medicine, but I don't know how well it will work, or how soon.

Fumihiko is of course full of vim and vigor. It's so annoying! He was up and dressed around 10 I think, but I stayed in bed until almost 12. We went first to the evil place for lunch but there was a 20-30 minute wait. He got a bit angry at me when I "made a face", but considering the fact that I didn't want to go there in the first place, and I didn't want to wait that long on top of it, wasn't that bad! I suggested rather strongly that we go somewhere else, so we did. We went to another yakiniku place. It had a lunch special and everything, plus it wasn't crowded and it was clean. That was a bonus.

After lunch we drove to Mount Kinbo again. It was raining heavily, but we made it up to the top of the mountain. Once there, we walked around a bit and then got back in the car and drove down the mountain. We took a drive around the Kinbo area too. It looks very old fashioned and rural.

Then we went to the mall to check on the movie listings. Master and Commander was playing and so was Gothika, but later. I didn't want to hang around the mall and by now I was feeling pretty bad. I told Fumihiko that the only thing I wanted to do was just go home and go to bed. I even offered to go to my apartment if he wanted to do something else without me.

He was really sweet and drove me back to Tsuruoka. We made a detour to buy a cap for a kerosene tank and ended up going to a store we haven't been in before. It was really nice, with lots of things for redecorating and a bunch of Indian fabrics. I enjoyed it. Then, we went home. I came upstairs, got into bed and went to sleep.

About 2 hours later I woke up. Fumihiko wanted to go for dinner, so we left the house for a while. Where did we go? The evil place. I'm not too keen on that place anymore as I get sick most of the time after eating there, but today I tried really hard not to eat anything questionable. I stuck to foods that I cooked myself. Hopefully I'll be okay.

We made a quick detour after through the grocery store. I wanted to get some food colouring, which I did. Easter lessons are coming up.

We came home and ever since I've been sniffing and sighing, and working on my computer. Fumihiko has been working on my jigsaw puzzle. He's doing a good job I think!

Tomorrow I have to go off to Sakata to start my visa renewal process...if the weather is okay. I hope it's okay! Wish me luck.

Night night....achoo!

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