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February 28, 2004, Saturday

Warm and sunny.

An okay day, except things got started early in the morning. One of Fumihiko's relatives called around 8:00 am, then showed up around 9:00 am and ended up installing something, very noisily I might add!

We had breakfast at Gusto as usual and then Fumihiko dropped me off at work, except it was a little touch and go as far as getting there on time. There was construction along the road so it took a long time.Yikes.

Work was fine today and I was moderately busy. I had five classes, not too bad. I had a lot of students missing today. A couple had good, business meetings and a sad one, a death in the family.

After work I gave my co-worker a present. It was her last day in our school. It's sad, but it's also a good opportunity for her. She's transfering to another school next week.

Dinner tonight was at Cocos. It was okay. I drank way too much coffee. When will I learn?

When I got home I found my new DVD player and I opened my presents. I got my birthday presents from my friend Michelle today. I got some new books! Yay. Also, I got a video from my friend Susan, so I did well mailwise.

I'm now watching Goodfellas on TV and hoping to finish my computer stuff soon, so I can get on withmy weekend. And on that not...I gotta go...night night.

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