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January 2, 2004 - Friday

Rainy but not cold day.

Today I basically had a lazy holiday kind of day. I slept in very late, then got up and with Fumihiko's help made breakfast/lunch. We had a ham and cheese omelet, salad and sausages. Yum yum yum.

After that we came upstairs and promptly fell back asleep. I had a really bad headache and didn't get over it for hours. Fumihiko took his Mum out to get new glasses, but I begged off the trip and went back to bed. I tried to sleep and also worked on my computer for a bit.

When Fumihiko came back, we ended up taking a nap. A long nap! When I finally woke up it was around 7 pm. I offered to cook supper for us, but Fumihiko took me out instead. We went to Kamerotei for yakiniku. It was great. After that I suggested a couple of things, like karaoke or going for a drive, but he suggested coming home and watching another Indiana Jones DVD, so that's what we did! We actually watched both of them, The Temple of Doom, and The Last Crusade. Fumihiko really enjoyed them, and so did I. I did something different while I watched the movies, I started a jigsaw puzzle. It's a beautiful picture, called The Birth of Venus by Adolphe William Bouguereau. It's quite difficult though.

Around 2:30 am I took a shower and now I'm doing this, while watching a Wesley Snipes movie on TV. Fumihiko is taking his bath now. Heaven knows what time we'll get up tomorrow! Still, I had a great day, and because I slept so much in the afternoon, I'm just not tired now!

Gotta go....Bye-bye!

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