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January 1, 2004 - Thursday

Rainy, but clear and sunny in the morning.

A surprisingly good day! This morning we had breakfast in Sakata and then drove back to Tsuruoka. In Tsuruoka we picked up some flowers at a store and then went to the temple to pay respects to Fumihiko's father. It was nice, one of the most stress-free temple visits I've had so far.

We went home after that. We looked at our New Years Cards and we got quite a few. They were all quite nice. We got a few from some people whom we hadn't sent cards to yet, so I started to make some extra ones.

Around that time Fumihiko's Mum asked to be driven to her family's house in Oyama, so he drove her and I worked more on the stamping. When he came back, I let him do some of the stamping and I did some cooking! I cooked 2 chicken breasts, made salad, a cheese plate, a cold meat plate and a cracker plate. Then, I even made soup with the water from cooking the chicken.

At 6 pm Fumihiko and I had a lovely meal of chicken vegetable soup, salad and chicken salad, then blueberries for dessert. Yum yum yum, and very low carb for me! We also had some cheese and cold meats too. I skipped the crackers of course.

His mum called and asked to be picked up around 7 so when it was time Fumihiko left and I did the dishes. I had just finished them, and finished filling the kerosene canister for upstairs when they arrived home. She seemed to be in a good mood, so we all sat downstairs for a while. It was nice and very friendly.

Later, we did go upstairs and I wrote yesterday's journal. Now we're watching one of my new DVD's, Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's great! Fumihiko hadn't seen it before, so it's a new experience for him.

And that, dear reader is how I spent the first day of the new year. It was quite nice. I hope that this is a good portent for the year! Night night!

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