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January 4, 2004 - Sunday

Snowy, rainy, and not too cold.

Just a quick thought....if Nathan Algren from The Last Samurai took on The Bride from Kill Bill, who would win???

Well, I wasn't able to update yesterday as there were some family feuding going on again. It was a big shame too, as I was having a lovely day, but that went downhill!

When we left, we went to Mikawa first and played some coin games for a while. After I lost all of my coins I went shopping! I ended up in Jusco in the ladies department. I saw some nice jackets and sweaters and decided to try them on. Well, surprisingly, most things fitted me! I ended up getting a new sweater and a lovely new coat! I was really surprised as I didn't expect the coats would fit me, but they did.

Fumihiko and I went to Moundon for dinner, it's a Korean izakaya. We ate a lot, but it was very good! Fumihiko also drank quite a bit!

After that we went to another place, a snack. I don't really like that place as I think it is too expensive. We had some snacks, 2 drinks, mine was non-alcoholic, and the bill was almost 6000 yen. A little too pricey for me.

We stayed in the apartment and I started another jigsaw puzzle! I've got the fever again! Silly me. That's two on the go at once. Oh well. I went to bed around 3, but Fumihiko had been asleep for a while.

Today we went to Edoichi for lunch, a very late lunch! Then, we went for a drive. We ended up going to Sakata, but on the way we stopped at a "Recycle shop" and a shoe store. I bought myself a pair of boots for winter that match my new coat. Burgundy, by the way. I don't know if they'll be good boots or not, but they weren't expensive, so it doesn't really matter.

In Sakata we went to Hard Off where I saw lots of interesting things, but didn't buy any! Then we went to a computer shop where I drooled a bit over the new camera for iMacs, but again didn't buy anything. We headed back to Tsuruoka, but the weather was really bad. It was snowing very strongly and when cars passed us they sent up big waves of wet snow onto our windshield.

We had dinner at M's Dining, and quite enjoyed ourselves. They had a special menu on right now, and it was really nice. We got salad, soup bar, bread or rice (not for me) plus the entree. It was quite a good deal really. We also had drink bar, and I probably drank too much coffee! I'm a bit keyed up now.

Then we came home. The lights were off, so we came upstairs and that was that. I've no idea what is going to happen tomorrow. I hope nothing actually!

So, dear reader, please understand if my entries become a bit erratic over the next little while. I've got some unresolved family things going on and I need some time to deal with them.

Have a good evening!

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