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January 14, 2004 - Wednesday

Snowy and cold all day.

I had a pretty good day today. I slept in until 9, and basically stayed in bed and dozed until 10! What a treat. I got up, showered and then went out in search of breakfast.

I looked in a few places, but didn't see anything until I got to least I think that's the places name! I ended up having a hamburg set. It was fine, quite nice actually.

Before work I visited Tully's for a coffee. It's nice having a coffee shop within walking distance of the school. I wish we had one in Tsuruoka! Their coffee isn't my favourite though, but I do like the atmosphere of the store.

Work was fine today. I taught 3 lessons which went pretty well. I especially enjoyed the last one. The students had a lot of fun and so did I. Hurray!

Dominic left a bit early tonight. He said that he's a morning person, whereas my regular readers know that I am a night owl! I finished up and left a bit after 10. I hit a convenience store on the way and came back to my hotel.

I read a bit of Time with Russell Crowe on the front cover, ate my supper, and then took a bath. It was nice to just relax for a bit.

I'm hoping to go out a bit earlier tomorrow and find some English books and maybe find some interesting things in the stores. Wish me luck!

Sweet dreams!

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