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January 13, 2004 - Tuesday

Clear and rainy in Tsuruoka, snowy and wet in Yamagata.

Well, I'm in my hotel room in Yamagata writing this. I'm actually having a great time. Of course I miss Fumihiko dreadfully, but the hotel is nice and I'm excited to be in a different school for a change!

I walked from my apartment to the mall this morning dragging my suitcase behind me! So much for only bringing a backpack! The bus ride was fine, except it was really snowy in the mountains. It was a bit scary actually.

When I got to Yamagata, I got off the bus and then took a cab to the school. I met everyone and started to work. I only had two lessons today, but I think they went quite well, considering that I've never met the students before. Also, one of the books I had to teach from is new to me as well. However, it seems pretty good!

After school, I did some prep for tomorrow's class and then the Japanese teacher at the school took me to the hotel. It's a damn good thing that she did, because we couldn't find a place for us to get into the hotel! The front part was locked up and another door we found was the right one! Finally we got to the right place and discovered that we had to pay, in advance. Luckily I had brought enough money to cover the cost. The desk clerk/security guard explained how to use the door lock system, and then I went up to my room.

My room is great! It's small, but looks brand new. There's a fridge, hotplate AND microwave oven, a small TV, and a very comfortable looking bed. I have my own bathroom of course and it looks nice. I'm not sure about hot water though. I might have to turn on the water heater myself. I'm not sure at all.

After I changed out of my work clothes I went out to get something to eat. It was quite late so I got convenience store food....yakitori, salad, cheese, and canned coffee. I came back to my room and feasted. My TV doesn't have the bilingual function, but there was a programme on about teaching English so I watched that. It was interesting as it took place in a deli in New York.

And that was basically my day. I had a good one. Tomorrow I'm a bit nervous about some of my classes...especially the first one. Also, I think I have to teach kids tomorrow. Ack! Hope it's okay.

Gotta go. Night night!

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