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Sunny and warm, with a little bit of rain on and off.

January 20, 2004 - Tuesday

Today was a busy day, except for the morning. At the apartment I napped and then cooked my lunch and breakfast. Yum. I left for work on time.

I was quite busy today. I had 6 classes and almost everyone showed up too. That was quite nice! Classes seemed to go fairly well too.

When I finished work, a bit late today, we went to M's Dining. Their heating is still out, but today they had big kerosene heaters out and working so it wasn't too bad in there. I had chicken with mushrooms. It was really good. While we were eating, two of the ladies from the Grand El Sun, the place where we got married came in and they came over to us and we chatted for a while. Maybe they were surprised that we are still married? I doubt it though! It was nice to see them.

When we got home I found lots of mail waiting for me! Yay! I got a birthday card from Janet, a magazine from Britain and a present from Susan. She got me the perfect presents! I got If Chins Could Kill-Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell, my favourite "unknown" actor, and Cinematherapy - The Girl's Guide to Movies for Every Mood. That last one matches moods and movies together and looks pretty funny. I'm looking forward to it!

And that pretty much was my day. Now, leave me alone, I wanna read!!

Night night!

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