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January 24, 2004 - Saturday

Clear but cool. Still lots of snow.

A busy, but good day.

This morning I finally dragged myself out of bed and we went to Gusto for breakfast. It was okay. We even left the restaurant in plenty of time to get to work.

I was fairly busy today.I had 6 lessons which went quite well. The only thing was that I had a few students that didn't show up and didn't call. Sigh. Oh well!

On my lunch break today, I met Shimi and she told me that her husband was out of town and she invited me to come to her restaurant after work. So, I called Fumihiko when I finished and asked him if he wanted to go. He did, so we went. We had lots of fish, and it was nice. No sushi of course, but sashimi and quite a bit of cooked fish. Shimi was really busy cooking so we weren't able to talk to her. After a while Yumiko, my manager joined us. When we'd eaten our food we decided to go to another place because we wanted coffee. Well, I did, and so did Yumiko!

The three of us ended up at M's Dining. I had more to eat, but not too much more! I really wanted salad so I shared one with the others. We drank lots of coffee, and tea and pop, depending on the person. When we finished, we drove Yumiko home and then came back to our little house!

Fumihiko has been putting some pictures into frames that he just bought today. Now the problem is where to put the frames! We're running out of wall space!

I had a good day today. Talking with Yumiko was fun tonight. I don't get to see her too much and I haven't gone out with her after work very much, so it was nice to get to know her a bit.

Tomorrow I have no plans so far, except to sleep quite late. I hope!

And, that's it for me for today. Have a good night eh?

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