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January 25, 2004 - Sunday

Mostly sunny, cold, but with a bit of snow.

A pretty good day. We stayed up very late last night, and watched Some Like it Hot. Fumihiko liked it very much, and I enjoyed seeing it again too. I love that movie. There's so many good things in it. The line about the way Marilyn Monroe walks..."like jelly on springs" is so funny!

We slept in very late this morning, went out for breakfast and then went to the mall. There wasn't anything playing until after 6 so we played coin games. When I ran out of my coins I went to the book store and had a look around. There wasn't too much for me, except I started to look at crochet books. I found one in particular that I really liked so I bought it. I know that I can't read Japanese, but I can read crochet charts. I just hope I have time to try it out sometime.

Later we went upstairs and went to see Hollywood Homicide with Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett. It was fun. I'd heard that it wasn't that good, but it was quite cute. I thought it was funny, and honestly, it was nice to see an older man, Ford, having a relationship with a gorgeous OLDER woman (Lena Olin). In real life he might be with a woman half his age, but in this movie he wasn't. Hurray.

After the movie we came back to Tsuruoka and went to Gusto for dinner. I had a bit of a sore tummy, so I didn't want to have anything too exotic tonight.

Then we came home and now we're watching Pinochio. Is that how it's spelt? I can't remember! I don't really like it. I guess it's just too simplistic for me.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off to the apartment. I'm not sure what I'll do after I do my usual "stuff". Hmm. And that's it for today. Good night to everyone...remember to wish on a star if you see one.

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