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January 26, 2004 - Monday

Cool and snowy.

A good day. I went to the apartment in the morning, did laundry and watched The West Wing. Then I took a nap! In the afternoon I watched some of my tape from Canada and then I left to go to the mall.

At the mall I checked out the movie times and then went to Jusco and tried on clothes. I found a couple of things that I really liked, so I bought them. Yay me!

When Fumihiko came to the mall we went to have a bite to eat, quickly. Then we hightailed it back to see Seabiscuit. It was really good, and we both enjoyed it. Two and a half hours passed by very quickly.

After the film we bought my groceries for the week and then went to the restaurant. The one that we planned to go to wasn't offering the meal that we wanted, so we went somewhere else. It was nice. I had drink bar and mixed grill. It was beef and pork and veggies. Quite good.

Then we came home and I watched ER. And that was that! Nothing really interesting happened, but that's okay!

Gotta go....nightie night.

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