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January 30, 2004 - Friday

Warm and sunny, with a bit of snow early on.

I was busy this morning. I did two loads of laundry, watched Smallville and then watched a bit of Pride and Prejudice. It was so good. I also took a nap and cooked my lunch and breakfast. Yum yum.

Work was okay today. I didn't have very many classes, so I started to work on redecorating. I want to make new Classroom English signs. The ones I have are leftover from Gabrielle. So, I've been combing through old magazines looking for good pictures. I got a few, I'll have to see when I get time to finish it though.

I finished quite quickly after work and then called Fumihiko and asked him to pick me up. He did and then we went to M's Dining for dinner again. I had chicken and steak and it was very nice. I also had drink bar. I don't know why I always go for the coffee, especially in the evening when I have to go to bed soon!

Anyway, we came home and showered. We'll likely be going to bed soon. I have a fairly busy day tomorrow and I don't want to be tired.

Oh, before I forget, the Academy Award nominations were announced a few days ago. There is great rejoicing in Japan because Ken Watanabe from The Last Samurai was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. Although I do think he's worthy of the nomination, I don't think he'll win. I think Tim Robbins will likely get it. His performance in Mystic River was incredible. However, my favourite nomination is Keisha Castle-Hughes for Whale Rider. This young woman carried the film, and she was luminous. I hope that people rush out to see that film to see why she was worthy of the nomination. The favourite might be Charlize Theron for Monster though. I haven't seen that film as it hasn't played here yet, but I hear good things about her performance.

I probably won't get to see the award show live, but if my sister is willing, I'll get the delayed version!

Gotta go...night night!

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