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January 29, 2004 - Thursday

Warm and sunny...snow is melting!

An okay day. I slept in until 10 am this morning. That was nice! I got up, packed away my futon and took my shower. I had already cooked my lunch last night, and I was short on time so I decided not to cook my usual omelet, and reheated my soup from last night. Yum yum. I make mean chicken vegetable soup, if I do say so myself...and I do!

I left for work, and realized halfway down the road that I'd left my lunch in the fridge in the apartment. Silly! I decided to keep going and just buy my lunch today. So, that's what I did.

Work was okay today. Not great, not awful. I did have a couple of classes cancel, which I felt quite bad about.

After work I had to report to our head office, I tried, but the people were busy. I ended up waiting until 10:30 to talk to my boss. Sigh. Poor Fumihiko had to wait for me for all that time.

When I got home Fumihiko prepared shabu-shabu and we watched Renee Zellweger on the Actor's Studio. She was quite interesting. She wasn't as suave as most actors and actresses are, but she seemed more like a real person somehow.

After we ate and did the dishes we came upstairs. Of course it's really late now and I have to check my email and read all the blogs that I usually read, so I need to finish now. Gotta go! Night all.

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