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July 13, 2004 - Tuesday

Rainy on and off all day.

A busy day. This morning started at the apartment. I took a shower and then we went out to breakfast. We went to Cocos for a change, and it was much nicer than usual. Fumihiko had the day's special and I had something nice too. It was great actually. The gloomy gus waiter that I didn't like was nowhere in sight. Yay!

At work I had two hours to plan and then I had 6 classes in a row. Okay, I did get a lunch break in the middle, but apart from that...nothing. Still, classes went well and I enjoyed teaching today. During one of my classes I noticed there was a "daddy long legs" type spider coming down the wall behind the student. I couldn't say anything because I didn't want to freak the student out. I finally took care of the spider when I saw him on the other side of the room.

I stayed a bit late at work tonight and then biked back to the apartment. I took the back roads and it was nice and quiet. No other traffic. I think I'll do that in the future too.

Fumihiko had been busy when I was at work today. He put up the wire rack in the kitchen for me, and the rack in the toilet room. Yay. Now I'll have places to put things. Hurray. He also moved a few boxes out of the way. I'm glad about that.

We went to M's Dining. My meal was nice. I had pumpkin and tuna salad and a spicy beef and veggie thing. It was good. Fumihiko's pasta took a long time to appear. I felt sorry for him. While I was eating I noticed a spider over the table next to us. There were two people underneath it, eating dinner. The spider gradually moved away from them, and when we left the restaurant, we told the waitress. I hope she doesn't think I'm crazy, but it was quite big and very black and scary looking!

We came home and I watched Monk and wrote a bunch of email. I'll post this soon and hopefully get to bed fairly soon. I need some sleep. I didn't sleep that well last night because Fumihiko and I were at the apartment. He didn't have a good night, so I didn't either.

Gotta go, night night!

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