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July 12, 2004 - Monday

Mostly rainy, with a few clearing patches.

I really don't want to talk about last night because we had another fight. However, I did finish my novel, my jigsaw puzzle and watch 4 episodes of Strange Luck, the old TV show, and The Three Musketeers! I had a lot of time on my hands. Strange Luck really stood the test of time. I thought it was still a cool show. I miss DB Sweeney, where the heck is he?

This morning I decided to go to Niigata by myself and walked to the train station. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there wasn't a train for over an hour. Just after I checked the time I thought I saw Fumihiko on the bus. He has a blue t-shirt that is easy to spot. I couldn't see him, after that, so I went to Mr. Donuts and had a drink. He called me and we met, had breakfast and basically made up. Whew!

After lunch we went to an electronic shop to buy an air-conditioner. Yikes they are expensive. Then we went to Sakata to buy folding bikes. Yikes they are expensive too! However, because we bought two we did get a discount and they should be fun, if a bit scary for me! 21 speeds? I haven't even figured out how to use my 3 speeds on my present bike. I also bought some locks and lights and the guy gave me a discount on them too, so yay him!

After that, we decided to go swimming. I went to the apartment to grab my swimsuit and towel and Fumihiko went to the house. He couldn't find his, so we ended up going to Jusco to buy a new suit for him. I'm kind of glad because his old one was bicycle shorts and they were a bit tight...

We spent a couple of hours at S-Pal. It was great. There was hardly anyone there so it was really nice. Not sure if that was because of O-bon or Monday! We swam a lot and we are both a bit tired now.

We went for dinner too, to Edo-itchi. It was okay. Very quiet.

After dinner we went to karaoke for 90 minutes. That was great. I did some Alan Jackson, some Eric Carmen and even some Anne Murray. I tried a bit of rap too, with Salt and Pepa. I didn't do a good job with that really, but it was fun.

We went by the apartment to wash out our swimsuits and then came back to the house so that I could do my computer stuff. We're going to spend the night at the apartment because Fumihiko's Mum has a Buddhist Priest coming early tomorrow morning to bless the house or something. Fumihiko doesn't want to be here when he comes, so....

I have work again tomorrow. Should be a busy day. Wish me luck!

Gotta go, literally! Night.

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