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July 23, 2004 - Friday

Warm and sunny again.

It started out as a bad day, but ended up okay again.

Fumihiko had the day off and we slept in then went to the apartment so I could get ready for work. When we were there, we had another argument and I ended up riding off to work, and he drove off somewhere else too.

Work was fine, almost everyone that was supposed to showed up, so that was a nice change. Also, I had enough time to plan for tomorrow so that was good too. I left just a few minutes late and went back to the apartment.

I killed a spider at the apartment and it just was too much. We've had so many problems with the apartment lately, that seeing a big ol' spider making a web was just too much. I started crying, and just then Fumihiko called. He was surprised to hear me cry and came over to get me. Before he arrived I found another spider, killed it, and then waited for him. We finally had a long talk about what's been going on with us. I feel a lot better about it. Things are a lot more out in the open now and I know what he's been so upset about. Hopefully we can work things out better now.

We went out for dinner and came home. We spent some time together and it was nice. He's off taking a bath now, but it's late. I'd better go, I'm really tired.

Gotta go, night night.

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