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July 22, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and hot day.

A pretty good day, but quiet. At the apartment this morning I ran out and got a few groceries, then came back and took a nap. Then, I cooked breakfast and lunch, that sort of thing.

I got to work in plenty of time, just to find out that the expected interview wasn't going to happen, and one of my classes got moved back to Friday. I ended up being not very busy as one class just didn't show up either. I wonder why?

After work I finished quickly and went back to my apartment. Fumihiko met me there and we had an argument about the tatami. It's going mouldy and I don't know why. I asked my women's group for some help and some members sent me some good ideas, so that was helpful.

We went out for dinner to M's Dining and had the same main dish, with different add-ons. I had salad, Fumihiko had soup and rice. I think we both enjoyed our meals.

We came home and he showed me his new book. Unfortunately it's all in Japanese, but I checked the author out on Amazon and Google and he's American! If he'd told me I could have checked the Canadian book stores when I was there! The art work is pretty amazing so I understand why Fumihiko likes them.

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. Tomorrow, Fumihiko's off work, and the air conditioner should be delivered to the apartment. Yay! I'm looking forward to that!

So, talk to you tomorrow night? Night night.

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