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July 24, 2004 - Saturday

Hot and sunny all day.

A pretty good day.

In the morning I went to the apartment, did laundry and took a nap. I did my usual cooking of lunch and breakfast too.

Work was fine, but a bit boring as some of my students didn't show up. That meant that I got most of my classes prepared for Tuesday which is good. I have to do a bit of checking before I teach them, but they are mostly done.

After work I biked to the apartment and met Fumihiko. We went out to Cocos for dinner. When we had just finished ordering an old student of mine came in with a friend of hers. We said hi and that's about it.

We came home and that was that! I had thought that Fumihiko might get the next few days off, but he doesn't. In fact, he has to go to work a bit early tomorrow and for many days in the near future. Argh! Poor him. Poor me. We don't even get a day off together this week. It sucks.

Anyway, I should go and get some sleep. Have a good evening....night!

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